Saturday, January 12, 2013

This is the thanks you wanted

I'm not a huge "new year" person; I roll my eyes every time the new year arrives and I see people's sentimental reviews of the passing year. But with that said, 2013 has had an eventful start for me! I was just offered a kick ass job in my industry, and it is a real life, adult job! Just to think, I was working a part time retail job a couple months ago, and now I'm going to be managing and directing a rather intensive program. Part of me thinks I am lucky that I was in the right place at the right time for this position to fall into my lap.

And the other part knows things could have been so different so easily.

In my last post, I bemoaned the fact that I had been "let go" from a one year relationship. It was really hard to get over him and move on. But as soon as he was out of my life, something really strange happened- I started focusing on me and what I wanted out of life. Such a novel concept! 

Shortly after being dumped, I got a fun, well-paying job with opportunity for advancements. I've thus far loved this job and the company, and while I did look forward to eventual possible promotions, I did not expect a leap of this size to come so quickly!! And I think about the fact that, if he had not broken up with me, I know I would not have pursued such avenues. When I was with him, I was particular about the type of work I sought, because his hang out schedule was limited to weekends and I didn't want to miss out on seeing him- yes, I worked my life around his schedule. I didn't know what type of work I wanted, because he anticipated he would be moving to a different state, and I hoped to follow him. All this and more I did for him. But what was I doing for me? 

When he broke up with me, he said I would thank him someday. "Maybe it won't be for a while, but you will thank me", he had said. For what?, I thought. The idea that I feel like my heart is ripped out of my chest? That someone I trusted just up and left? That you did the same exact thing that my ex husband did? 

But now I see that that pain was only temporary and I am hot shit, and here is the thanks he wanted: Thank you, tool bag! 

I learned a great lesson, and that is: to thine own self be true. Because you never know what great things might happen. 

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